
My main cluster is Talos provisioned on bare-metal using the official talosctl CLI tool. I render my Talos configuration using the talhelper CLI tool. This allows me to keep the Talos configuration as DRY as possible.

This is a semi hyper-converged cluster, workloads and block storage are sharing the same available resources on my nodes while I have a separate server for (NFS) file storage.

Core Components

  • actions-runner-controller: Self-hosted Github runners.
  • cilium: Internal Kubernetes networking plugin.
  • cert-manager: Creates SSL certificates for services in my Kubernetes cluster.
  • external-dns: Automatically manages DNS records from my cluster in a cloud DNS provider.
  • external-secrets: Managed Kubernetes secrets using 1Password Connect.
  • ingress-nginx: Ingress controller to expose HTTP traffic to pods over DNS.
  • multus: Allows multi-homing Kubernetes pods.
  • rook: Distributed block storage for peristent storage.
  • sops: Managed secrets for Kubernetes, Ansible and Terraform which are commited to Git.
  • tf-controller: Additional Flux component used to run Terraform from within a Kubernetes cluster.
  • volsync and snapscheduler: Backup and recovery of persistent volume claims.